Such a strange state

Friends have become distrustful and started to distance themselves. Strangers, so far indifferent, pretended to be my friends. They claimed to know me, although I did not know them. They didn't know much about me, and yet they said that they admired me...


Christopher T. Dabrowski (Polonia)


Mimeógrafo #116
Enero 2023

Such a strange state*

Christopher T. Dabrowski

*Traducción: Juan Carlos Mejía

Such a strange state

Friends have become distrustful and started to distance themselves. Strangers, so far indifferent, pretended to be my friends. They claimed to know me, although I did not know them.
They didn't know much about me, and yet they said that they admired me...
And my loved ones said that I seem a little strange... that they didn't know me from that side. I didn't know myself either.
Strange isn't it? You think it's sick. You could think of me as mentally ill. But isn't that a bit like a disease? A man becomes famous and suddenly everything changes... including himself.

Qué extraña situación

Mis amigos se han vuelto desconfiados y empiezan a alejarse. Los desconocidos, hasta ahora indiferentes, se hicieron pasar por mis amigos. Aseguraban conocerme, aunque yo no los recordaba.
No sabían gran cosa sobre mí y, sin embargo, decían admirarme...
Y mi familia me ha dicho que estoy un poco raro... que no conocían ese lado mío.
Yo tampoco me conocía.
Es extraño, ¿no? Seguro piensas que esto es una locura. Debes estar creyendo que soy un enfermo mental. ¿Pero no es esto un poco como una enfermedad? Un hombre se vuelve famoso y, de repente, todo cambia... incluyéndolo a él.