Just you

You are born, and this is the only constant. Later, reality splits up. With every new situation in your life, you have many choices. You take advantage of each opportunity while being in many new branches of reality. After each choice, you gain more opportunities. You choose, and in each of the worlds, some new possibilities arise. And so on...


Christopher T. Dabrowski (Polonia)


Mimeógrafo #131
Abril 2024

Just you*

Christopher T. Dabrowski

You are born, and this is the only constant. Later, reality splits up. With every new situation in your life, you have many choices.

You take advantage of each opportunity while being in many new branches of reality. After each choice, you gain more opportunities. You choose, and in each of the worlds, some new possibilities arise. And so on...

There are many alternative worlds. But are you just one! And which path you choose, which opportunities you will use in each branch... it all depends only on you. Each choice creates new possibilities - new alternative realities.

Nice matrix, right?

Naces y esta es la única constante. Más tarde, la realidad se divide. Con cada nueva situación en tu vida, tienes muchas opciones.

Aprovechas cada oportunidad mientras estás en muchas ramas nuevas de la realidad. Después de cada elección, obtienes más oportunidades. Tú eliges y en cada uno de los mundos surgen algunas nuevas posibilidades. Etcétera...

Hay muchos mundos alternativos. ¡Pero eres solo uno! Y qué camino eliges, qué oportunidades aprovecharás en cada rama... todo depende sólo de ti. Cada elección crea nuevas posibilidades, nuevas realidades alternativas.

Bonita matriz, ¿verdad?

*Traducción: Oscar Uriel R. Cancino